
Dear Alumni,

Dokuz Eylül University is an institution focused on education, research and social service, with its strong institutional developments and dynamic structure open to change.

Our University, which constantly improves its education programs by following their digital transformation, produces competent graduates in different disciplines with its student-centered education policy and raises modern people who are empowered by national and spiritual values. This ability carries out career development studies and offers employment opportunities to its students and graduates.

With its research university identity, Dokuz Eylül University contributes to the development of the R&D and entrepreneurship ecosystem by producing high value-added certificates with its 2024 perspective, centers and technology parks, and provides services in social responsibility and central frameworks and at high-quality standards to ensure social sustainability.

Dokuz Eylül University has graduated over 280,000 students since 1982. Our graduates have set an example in developments by making progress in social, economic, political and wide areas.

We invite you to become a member of our effective alumni network in order to bring together the future vision of our university and to better follow the communication and cooperation we establish with our graduates. After this first step you take by filling out the “alumni information form”, which is a part of the new “Alumni Information System” (MBS) under development, we will ensure continuous communication with you and carry our University to the future.


Mezuniyet işlemlerinizi tamamlamak üzere MBS’ye giriş yapıp Mezun Bilgi Formunu doldurunuz. Mezuniyet işlemlerinizi tamamladıktan sonra mezun uzantılı e-posta adresinizi alabilirsiniz.

MBS’ye giriş yapıp Mezun Bilgi Formunu doldurarak profilinizi güncelleyiniz. Mezun uzantılı e-posta adresinizi almayı unutmayınız.

2000 yılı ve öncesi mezunlarımız; “Mezun Bilgi Sistemi”‘ne giriş yapabilmek için tıklayınız.

Önemli Not: MBS üzerinden mezunlarımızın transkript talep etme, mezuniyet belgesi talep etme, YÖKSİS kaydı vb. işlemleri yapılamamaktadır. Bunun için biriminizin öğrenci işleri bürosuna başvurabilirsiniz. MBS yalnızca mezun bilgilerinin derlenmesi, mezun kart başvurusu ve mezunlarla iletişim olanaklarının geliştirilmesi amacını taşımaktadır.